Configurable variables

Datatable [Datatable:S_MapVote, Default: DT_Maps]

Desc: List of maps

MaxMapsInVote [Integer, Default: -1 (infinite)]

Desc: Maximum number of maps in the vote even if the datatable is larger (-1 = Infinite or if != -1 = Randomly selected maps)

canVoteSameMap [Boolean, Default: true]

Desc: Authorizes the possibility of voting for the current map

RestartSameMapIfNoVote [Boolean, Default: true]

Desc: If not it will take a random map

RecalculateWinningMapAtEnd [Boolean, Default: false]

Desc: The winning map is already calculated during the votes however you may want to be sure which one should win this variable is made for this

ShowLog [Boolean, Default: true]

Desc: Display or hide logs


WidgetClass [W_MapVoteMaster, Default: W_MapVote_Map_Master]

Desc: Widget displayed when a vote is cast

WidgetZOrder [Integer, Default: 999]

ShowMouse [Boolean: Default: true]

Desc: Display the mouse during a vote, if you have disabled this variable, you will have to manage the player's mouse yourself!

FreeLookDuringVote [Boolean, Default: false]

Desc: Authorize in-game keys (SetInputGameAndUI)


TimerUpdateFrequency [Float, Default: 0,01]

Desc: Frequency at which time elapses (Server & Client)

VoteTime [Float, Default: 30,0]

Desc: Duration of the vote

PostVoteTime [Float, Default: 5,0]

Desc: Time to launch the next map

Last updated