
MIS allows to manage many things dynamically

You can look in the Demo folder, you have some examples.

Actor Component - Events

To bind an event to an actor component, there are several possibilities. 1. Click on the actor component and look at the Events category in the Details menu 2. You can bind via functions in the blueprints

Client Side:

"OnInteract (Player,Component,Layer,Type)" "OnHoveredInteract (Player,Component)" "OnUnHoveredInteract (Player,Component)" "OnInteractTextChange (Text)" "OnStartHoldInteract (Player,Type,Layer)" "OnFinishHoldInteract (Player,Type,Layer)" "OnMultipleTap (Component)" "OnFinishMultipleTap (Player,Layer)" "OnInteractReset" "OnInteractionRestart" "OnStopInteraction (Actor,Type,Layer,Cancelled)" "OnChangeInteract (Old Actor,Old Component,New Actor,New Component)"


Player = Pawn Actor = A_MIS_InteractComponent Component = Scene Component Type = E_MIS_InteractType Layer = Integer Cancelled = Boolean Text = Text


The BPI_MIS interface allows to manage the interaction on the actor himself so the parent of the child actor.

Client Side:

"CanInteract (Player,Component,Layer)": If the player can interact with or not "GetInteractionText (Player,Component)": The text that will be displayed Player = Pawn Component = A_MIS_InteractComponent Layer = Integer

Child Actor - Events

To bind an event to a child actor it is important to get the Child Actor variable and cast it to A_MIS_InteractComponent, then you can bind the event you want

Server Side:

"ED_OnInteract (Player, Component)": when interaction is valid and made

Client Side: "ED_OnHovered (Player, Component)": when an interaction is hovered "ED_OnUnHovered (Player, Component)": when an interaction is unhovered "ED_OnMultipleTapChanged (Current, Required)": when a Multiple Tap interaction changes

Player = Pawn Component = A_MIS_InteractComponent Current/Required = Integer

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